ACCS Personal Software Engineering Discussion Group

13th of August in room 78.622 (General Purpose South) at 2pm

Title: SWT

Speaker: Mark Wakabayashi


SWT is a graphics library for Java that uses the native GUI elements of the host operating system for native look-and-feel and native performance and responsiveness. This talk will introduce SWT and why it can be a sensible alternative to Java's standard Swing graphics library, and will also include a brief guide to getting started with SWT.

Afternoon tea will be served at 1:45.



Each session starts with a short talk (~25 min.) by a developer, which describes current or past work, and gives a personal critique of the usefulness of the software engineering process employed.

An open discussion will follow the talk, during which the attendees will be able to ask questions, make suggestions, or debate the merits of various tools and techniques.

Proceeding each talk, coffee and tea (as well as biscuits) will be available to improve attention, and encourage attendance.



The central goal of the discussion group is to facilitate sharing of software engineering expertise between developers and provide exposure to new methodologies and techniques. Our aim is to increase the level of software engineering expertise among complex systems modelers.

Talk topics may vary widely: the use of a design notation; the effectiveness of a particular tool; a description of current or past programming work; or a personal critique of the usefulness of a software engineering technique used.



We are calling for people interested in presenting to the group to come along to the meeting on Monday or send us a short abstract and likely availability.

We also need interested participants to come along and share in the discussion.

If you have any questions or comments please contact:

Daniel Bradley <>


Leighton Brough <>

World-class basic and applied inter-disciplinary research on questions fundamental to understanding, designing and managing complex systems
© 2009 The ARC Centre for Complex Systems, Australia